In this engaging in-person presentation, Ashley Bright – “The Message Fixer” – will unpack three core challenges many marketers face, and provide actionable solutions that you can use right away.
You'll learn how to:
1. Bridge the Gap – Using story to connect, build trust, and influence decision-making.
2. Turn Resistance into Yes! – Using contrast and rhythm to get powerful results.
3. Go from Fear to Exhilaration – Overcoming stage fright for the win.
Whether you’re presenting virtually or in-person, 1:1 or 1 to many, pitching for a new project, or simply to get customer buy-in these speaking skills are critical to your success. Regardless of the situation you, too, can speak to inspire action!
Event Details
Location: The Monument Event Center (Alpine Room)
11:30 AM - Business Networking
12:00 PM - Program Begins (lunch provided)
1:00 PM - Program Ends
(AAF Black Hills members are able to attend the event at no charge; non-member pricing includes lunch. Tickets purchased after noon on 3/31/22 are not guaranteed a meal as catering numbers will have been submitted.)
Ashley Bright is The Message Fixer.
After 18 years of pitching to Fortune 500 companies in the design and marketing industry, he founded Ashley Bright Presents to teach entrepreneurs and business leaders how to avoid messaging and communication mistakes that cost them millions.
Microsoft, HonorHealth, and the University of Arizona are amongst the many clients who rely on Ashley’s IMPACT Speaking Method to help their leaders conquer fears, avoid costly mistakes and get the money they need to succeed.